Something Good #34: Admiring Feelings of a Graceful Lady
In less than a week, full-time pre-production begins on You Can Live Forever, a feature film I have been working on with my friend Sarah Fobes for many, many years now. More on the movie later, but Something Good will undergo a metamorphosis until we wrap in early November.
Every other week, I’ll be welcoming a guest newsletter-er to share a recommendation with my readers. I have an exciting, hand-picked group of writers lined up, starting next week with novelist Sheila Heti, who semi-directly inspired Something Good in the first place.
On alternate weeks I’ll be re-publishing some notable posts from this almost-year of newslettering. (I’m pretty sure I know what I want to run but I’m open to suggestions too, so hit me up.)
I don’t want to totally leave you hanging this week, so I’m going to share a couple more of my favourite texts with you, as promised in an earlier edition.
For many years I’ve been haunted by the written descriptions on the packages of Kasugai gummies, a chew Japanese candy you can usually find in Asian grocery stores.
There are two in particular I love, which adorned the bags of the muscat grape and apple gummy flavours for many years—sadly I think the text has changed recently, so let me immortalize them here. (I am aware there is some cheap humour to be found in mocking bad translations but these really are so beautiful.)
Its translucent color so alluring and taste and aroma so gentle and mellow offer admiring feelings of a graceful lady. Enjoy soft and juicy Kasugai Muscat Gummy Candy.
Every drop of fresh apple juice, carefully pressed from the reddest apples, shining in colors of the cheeks of a snow-country child, is yours to enjoy in each soft and juicy Kasugai Apple Gummy Candy.
“Admiring feelings of a graceful lady”! “Shining in colors of the cheeks of a snow-country child”!
These phrases are forever written in my heart.
This week’s #nojacketsrequired comes courtesy of… me! (I found it at a friend’s house… in addition to some more treasures I’ll be sharing in weeks to come.) I will still be gathering unjacketed finds like this one while I’m shooting, so please continue to send them my way directly at—remember, Substack bounces attachments so don’t send them in a reply to this particular email.
Bonus track:
Every Wednesday I’ll send you Something Good. This Wednesday in particular is my birthday. If you like what you read, please tell a friend or subscribe below: